Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's been a while

It’s been a while I apologize. I have some good pictures from Lodwar and Mombasa in no particular order, so enjoy. I’ve been trying to keep myself really busy working around the hospital in Migori. Right now I’m trying to put together a medical supplies shipment here through the charity Project Cure. I’ve worked with them for some time, it’s a great organization. They send supplies around the world to places in need and without being coy, this location defiantly qualifies. Some blaring example include at times the hospital doesn’t have any oxygen because there are no oxygen tanks, or masks that fit patients. Other times surgery has to be cancelled because there are no surgical blades or propane to heat the fluids. The lack of resources gives one a real perspective on the difficulty of life in destitute poverty.

Anyway the process is moving along but there’s a lot of red tape trying to figure out customs and shipping details. One thing you learn in Kenya is that the bureaucracy here is quite frustrating, but then again I suppose the opposite would actually be strange.

I’ll be home in about a month and I’m looking forward to it. I could really use a day of skiing, life on the equator is a tad hot. I miss everyone and I hope all is well.    

A slab in the road in Mombasa

A man in Kakuma, trying to retrieve water from the ground.

An image from Lodwar "airstrip", Just two jet engines from a striped plane

The terminal at Lodwar airstrip. Quite the security, a single unlocked gate

A view of Mombasa

The main road in Mombasa, the tusks are the symbol of the city

The old town of Mombasa